Who we are

和圃數位文創 Happ Design 為一跨領域設計公司,由林天惠與康程泰共同創辦於2012年。團隊專注於品牌形象、企業識別系統、展覽與活動視覺、網站、包裝、書籍裝幀、建築指標規劃等專案,並獲 iF 設計獎、金點年度最佳設計獎、DFA 亞洲最具影響力設計獎、金蝶獎、Graphis 標誌設計獎等肯定,瑞士前衛博物館亦將 Happ 數件作品納為永久館藏。

Founded by Millie Lin and Alfred Kang in 2012, Happ Design is a multi-disciplinary team that offers a variety of design services, including corporate branding, exhibition visuals, website development, publication, architectural signage planning, and more. We specialize in creating visually impactful experiences with marketing value. Our team have earned recognitions such as iF Design Award, Best of Golden Pin Design Award, DFA Design for Asia Award, Golden Butterfly Award, and Graphis Logo Design Award. Several of our projects have also been chosen to enter the permanent collection of Museum of Avant-Garde in Switzerland.

Our team

Millie Lin

Founder / Creative & Art Director

林天惠為普瑞特設計學院傳達設計碩士,曾任職於紐約設計公司多年,返台後於奧美促動行銷擔任藝術指導。2012年共同創辦 Happ Design,主持各類計劃案屢獲肯定,並數度受邀擔任設計獎項評審 。

Millie graduated with a master's degree in communications design from Pratt Institute and worked for a renowned design firm in New York before serving as an art director at Ogilvy & Mather Taiwan. In 2012, she co-founded Happ Design, overseeing numerous acclaimed projects and serving as a judge for design awards.

Alfred Kang

Founder / Digital Director

康程泰為普瑞特設計學院互動藝術碩士,曾任職於紐約廣告公司多年,並於LBi擔任首席工程師。2012年共同創辦 Happ Design,與設計團隊合作專案。憑藉自身對視覺藝術及音樂的熱情,提供客戶具洞見的跨域數位服務。

Alfred graduated with a master's degree in interactive art from Pratt Institute. He worked for a few ad agencies in NYC, most notably as a lead developer for LBi New York before co-founding Happ Design in 2012. With a passion for visual arts and music, he provides visionary and multi-disciplinary digital services to our clients.

Chen-Wei Lin

Senior Designer

Yu-Zhi Chen


Cara Lin

Executive Secretary

Happ Design LLC